Professor & Head
Dr. Prashanth .G. M.
Public Health Dentistry HOD Desk
This department is strongly committed to oral health care needs of local population and addresses the current oral health scenario in the society and plans to improve the status. We in the department show the different role of dentist in society as a provider of preventive, restorative and curative services i.e. comprehensive care to public at large under a single roof. We organize student camp activities and projects in order to make students serve the community at their professional capacity. The departmental members are the first to volunteer in local society activities such as continuing dental educational programmes and Continuing Health Education to public. We enhance interpersonal, health promotion and develop patient oriented services and skills of ethical performance. We facilitate high quality research in support of oral health improvement and are involved in multi professional health care teams such as clinicians, behavioural scientists, statisticians to promote health of the society.