Library & Information Centre

Library is the heart of any Institution. CODS Library established in the year 1991. It is the most sorted Library catering all the facilities. The Library has a special word of praise for the excellent arrangements and facilities.

Mission :
User satisfaction through Quality service is our concern.

The main objective of our Library is to meet the reading and Informational requirement concerning Teaching, Research and other academic activities whose ultimate aim is to gain more and more knowledge specialization in specific field of Dentistry.

The Information center has a large number of Text Books, Journals & Back Volumes. It has a 24 hour high speed Internet access enables students to stay abreast with latest developments in Dentistry.

Working Hours :

Monday to Saturday: – 09.30 AM to 10.00 PM
Saturday: 09:30  AM to 6:00 PM
Sunday & Holidays: – 09.30 AM to 01.00 PM
Prior to one month Examination: – 09.30 AM to 11.00 PM

The Library has been automated by using Libsys (LS-Ease) Software with OPAC & Web OPAC. The whole campus is networked through Wi.Fi.

Facilities & Services:
  • Open access system.
  • Reference Service, Current Awareness Services
  • Internet,
  • Photocopy
  • Scanning, Lamination
  • Audio Visual Facility
  • Inter Library Loan Facility
  • Books Bank & Books Services
  • New Arrivals Display
  • Separate Departmental Library with reference Books for UG / PG.

We have Institutional Membership of RGUHS Helinet.

The Library & Information Center identifies and honors maximum utilization by the users by conferring “BEST USER AWARD” to UG / PG & Faculty Members to encourage maximum utilization of resources and more number of users. Every year we organize orientation programme for UG & PG in the Library Regarding the digitalization of Library.