About the Department
The Dental Education Unit (DEU) of College of Dental Sciences and Hospital, Davangere was established in the academic year 2019-20. The unit started with the initial efforts of conducting regular faculty development programs (FDPs) for teaching faculty of the institute. The FDPs were organized by the unit to ensure regular up gradation of teaching learning activities in the institute.
RAATI, of RGUHS has been playing a key role in training faculty and CODS is also organizing regular “Revised Basic Course Workshops in Dental Education” almost every year.
Objectives of the DEU
- To plan, implement and evaluate curricular development and faculty development in the college in alignment with NEP, the statutory body and University initiatives (expecting changes towards competency-based education)
2. Curriculum related:
- To collaborate with curriculum committee, PBL committee, etc. for curriculum innovations (such as value-added courses) and ensure curriculum development.
3. Methodology related:
- To ensure continuous quality improvement with evaluation on its various methods of teaching and assessment, and implement innovations
- To inspire students and interns for self-directed learning and lifelong learning through various orientation and induction programs.
4. FDP related:
- To train teachers as efficient and effective educators by encouraging them to go through any learning programs (Degree/fellowships/workshops/seminars/webinars/FDPs) on C-T-L-A-E (curriculum-teaching-learning-assessment-evaluation) methods, along with update of any newer methodologies, conducted outside the institution
- To ensure faculty development, by means of FDP programs and workshops (eg. Basic course workshop and even advanced courses) by conducting within the institution, through DEU members.
5. Technology related:
- Sensitize and facilitate Information and Communication technology integration in the curriculum.
6. ‘Research in Education’-related:
- To train the staff and students for effective research in educational methodologies and document their publications of original research and reviews.
Functions and activities:
Meetings: DEU meetings are convened several times a year based on the needs. Predetermined agenda circulated to all members, deliberate on agenda issues during meeting followed by action taken reports circulated to members. All the recent notifications from various websites (like DCI, RAATI) regarding education, updates in technologies and new trends like simulations, should be watched out and brought to the meetings.
To collaborate with curriculum committee, IQAC, PBL committee etc… for the year end evaluation of curriculum. Collaboration can even be with other institutions or agencies either for programs or for research in education.
Annual Revised basic course workshops: Organized as per Government (NEP), statutory body, University directions (RAATI, RGUHS).
Development of in-house E-learning modules for under graduates: software-based training and evaluation of students in multiple choice, problem/scenario/case-based learning questions.
Feedback collection and evaluation: collection and evaluation from all batches of outgoing students done and corrective measures suggested wherever required.
To encourage any Advanced courses in medical/Dental education: Faculty of the institute encouraged to undergo advanced training in medical education at any centre to which the institute is affiliated.
(May contribute to) Orientation and induction programs: conducted annually for all fresher’s, clinical phase and final year students
(May contribute to) Teaching-learning (T/L) skill training for postgraduates: all final year post graduates trained for T/L skill during pedagogy/andragogy training sessions.
Minutes of meeting for DEU formation
Faculty development program conducted on advanced educational technologies